Loading/Out of world boundaries

The title explains it all pretty much.

I have two gamemodes made by myself which worked perfectly before two days. Now suddenly BOTH make my screen covered with "Loading...." and "Out of world boundaries".

I looked at other topics regarding this issue and tried all the suggestions on them, but none of them worked.

I tried setting the gravity to default, adding one more player class, changing OnPlayerSpawn position, changing velocity, changing weather. None of that worked.

Any suggestions?

Messages In This Thread
Loading/Out of world boundaries - by nerovani - 09.05.2016, 20:50
Respuesta: Loading/Out of world boundaries - by losrivarola98 - 19.05.2016, 14:38
Re: Loading/Out of world boundaries - by zDivine - 25.05.2016, 20:11
Re: Loading/Out of world boundaries - by nerovani - 26.05.2016, 08:42
Re: Loading/Out of world boundaries - by dicknyson - 26.05.2016, 10:11
Re: Loading/Out of world boundaries - by TwinkiDaBoss - 31.05.2016, 00:24

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