X is the richest player

What code?
I think y'all doesn't need a code because I just want an example for showing a message to all players like:

"X is the most richest players with $ABCD on bank account"

as i said above,i confused with the playername and how much the money on his bank account.
i cannot do this.
PHP код:
`name`, `moneyFROM `accountsORDER BY `moneyDESC LIMIT 1 
(playeridCOLOR_WHITE "%s is the most richest player with $%d on bank account." namemoney); 

Messages In This Thread
X is the richest player - by PowerF - 06.05.2016, 04:10
Re: X is the richest player - by KevinReinke - 06.05.2016, 05:06
Re: X is the richest player - by PowerF - 06.05.2016, 08:56
Re: X is the richest player - by CalvinC - 06.05.2016, 08:59
Re: X is the richest player - by PowerF - 06.05.2016, 09:05
Re: X is the richest player - by PowerF - 06.05.2016, 09:33
Re: X is the richest player - by Luis- - 06.05.2016, 09:34
Re: X is the richest player - by PowerF - 06.05.2016, 09:39
Re: X is the richest player - by biker122 - 06.05.2016, 09:54
Re: X is the richest player - by PowerF - 06.05.2016, 10:47

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