02.05.2016, 11:54
Okay so apparently we can bother posting now =P
Here's a question and at the same time could be a part for this thread.
Is it faster using Macros instead of functions if possible? (as far as my knowledge goes it is in most cases, but would really like to know)
could this be turned to (well it compiles that far I know):
and which one is faster?
Here's a question and at the same time could be a part for this thread.
Is it faster using Macros instead of functions if possible? (as far as my knowledge goes it is in most cases, but would really like to know)
PHP Code:
return 1;
PHP Code:
#define GetHousePos(%0,%1,%2,%3) (%1=HouseI[%0][X],%2=HouseI[%0][Y],%3=HouseI[%0][Z])