30.04.2016, 20:53
Sorry for my first message without explanations.
So, my server includes imessage system. All international strings are in imes.txt file. The format of this file is next:
Every multistring [XXXXX_XXXXXX] has each own English translation: en {xxxxxx xxxx xxxx};
So, I need to get a Portuguese one: pt {yyyyy yyyy yyyy};
From this:
en {My multi string};
to get next:
en {My multi string};
pt {Meu cadeia múltipla}; (It's a ******-translate. Don't do it so, please)
The result is new imes.txt file in UTF-8 encoding.
Help me, please
So, my server includes imessage system. All international strings are in imes.txt file. The format of this file is next:
PHP код:
#international message file
#imessage v1.0 by Bombo is needed
#Format of the name: "\n[MESSAGE_NAME]\n", where MESSAGE_NAME is latin only
#Format of the language: "\nxx {", xx - language code, contains 2 latin characters only
#Format of the end of string: "};\n", no spaces between characters
#In the end of file: "\n\n", message lost is possible in other case (!)
#Encoding: UTF8
#New line: Unix
#File size is unlimited.
#Location: program root
en {{FFCC00} language {00FF00}};
ru {{FFCC00} язык {00FF00}};
fr {{FFCC00} langue {00FF00}};
uk {{FFCC00} мова {00FF00}};
es {{FFCC00} idioma {00FF00}};
cs {{FFCC00} jazyk {00FF00}};
de {{FFCC00} sprache {00FF00}};
it {{FFCC00} lingua {00FF00}};
tr {{FFCC00} dil {00FF00}};
sr {{FFCC00} језик {FF00FF}};
bg {{FFCC00} език {FF00FF}};
az {{FFCC00} dil {FF00FF}};
be {{FFCC00} мова {FF00FF}};
ca {{FFCC00} idioma {FF00FF}};
da {{FFCC00} sprog {FF00FF}};
et {{FFCC00} keel {FF00FF}};
fi {{FFCC00} kieli {FF00FF}};
hr {{FFCC00} jezik {FF00FF}};
hu {{FFCC00} nyelv {FF00FF}};
lt {{FFCC00} kalba {FF00FF}};
lv {{FFCC00} valoda {FF00FF}};
mk {{FFCC00} јазик {FF00FF}};
nl {{FFCC00} taal {FF00FF}};
pt {{FFCC00} idioma {FF00FF}};
sk {{FFCC00} jazyk {FF00FF}};
sl {{FFCC00} jezik {FF00FF}};
en {Usage: };
ru {Использование команды: };
uk {Застосування: };
es {Uso: };
de {Verbrauch: };
pl {Zastosowanie: };
sr {Употреба: };
bg {Употреба: };
ro {Utilizare: };
en {Login/Registration};
ru {Вход/Регистрация};
So, I need to get a Portuguese one: pt {yyyyy yyyy yyyy};
From this:
en {My multi string};
to get next:
en {My multi string};
pt {Meu cadeia múltipla}; (It's a ******-translate. Don't do it so, please)
The result is new imes.txt file in UTF-8 encoding.
Help me, please