Players timing out randomly

Originally Posted by Crayder
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Ok, but have you TRIED another script whilst keeping everything else the same? Or have you TRIED disabling certain FS's? Or have you TRIED a different host, whether it was just a temporary one or your home PC?

So far it looks like you're just assuming things are true... Besides you contacting the guy.
I didn't, because it isn't happening at a specific time in a day, or at a certain player count, or from a certain callback/command (I also debugged all callbacks and I found nothing similar in all ). It could take way too much with another script to decide that I still receive it or not. Nobody can reproduce it. It happens way too random. Sometimes it happened really often (especially when it was in Hosted Tab [way more players]) and sometimes doesn't happen at all, even if there are pretty much players.

I use only one FS: the one with the objects.

I said a few times already why I don't use another host. These guys really know what they are doing. I told them to check the logs and tell me if there is anything suspect, but they didn't find anything wrong !

In my home PC I don't have how to test it, because that would mean to invite at least 10 players on it and stay pretty much hours on it. When I test alone things on my PC everything is alright, without any timeouts.


I just don't see anything that would cause this from what you've given us.

That's the point ! There isn't anything bad from my side. I debugged the sh*t out of my server and there isn't anything bad. It all started happen when my server got more popular, because I took a place in hosted tab (now I'm not in it anymore).

Messages In This Thread
[EXPLOIT ?] Players timing out randomly - by IstuntmanI - 07.10.2015, 14:43
Re: Players timing out randomly - by Bolex_ - 07.10.2015, 15:06
Re: Players timing out randomly - by Kevln - 08.10.2015, 03:12
Re: Players timing out randomly - by vanyeuseo - 08.10.2015, 03:32
Re: Players timing out randomly - by IstuntmanI - 08.10.2015, 14:36
Re: Players timing out randomly - by Kevln - 09.10.2015, 02:17
Re: Players timing out randomly - by Abagail - 09.10.2015, 02:24
Re: Players timing out randomly - by Mauzen - 09.10.2015, 03:06
Re: Players timing out randomly - by IstuntmanI - 09.10.2015, 11:41
Re: Players timing out randomly - by MP2 - 10.10.2015, 11:13
Re: Players timing out randomly - by IstuntmanI - 23.04.2016, 17:27
Re: Players timing out randomly - by Abagail - 23.04.2016, 18:02
Re: Players timing out randomly - by xPhantom - 23.04.2016, 18:11
Re: Players timing out randomly - by IstuntmanI - 23.04.2016, 18:11
Re: Players timing out randomly - by Crayder - 23.04.2016, 19:02
Re: Players timing out randomly - by IstuntmanI - 23.04.2016, 19:30
Re: Players timing out randomly - by IstuntmanI - 26.04.2016, 17:05
Re: Players timing out randomly - by IstuntmanI - 11.06.2016, 16:41
[No subject] - by IstuntmanI - 22.06.2016, 19:43
Re: Players timing out randomly - by Spmn - 23.06.2016, 18:44
[No subject] - by IstuntmanI - 24.06.2016, 16:01
[No subject] - by IstuntmanI - 08.07.2016, 14:27
Re: Players timing out randomly - by CannonBolt - 01.10.2016, 17:13
Re: Players timing out randomly - by IstuntmanI - 01.10.2016, 17:43
Re: Players timing out randomly - by JohnnyA - 01.10.2016, 18:30
Re: Players timing out randomly - by Jayse - 01.10.2016, 18:50
Re: Players timing out randomly - by IstuntmanI - 28.12.2016, 17:32
Re: Players timing out randomly - by SickAttack - 28.12.2016, 17:51
Re: Players timing out randomly - by Spmn - 28.12.2016, 18:11
Re: Players timing out randomly - by IstuntmanI - 28.12.2016, 18:15
Re: Players timing out randomly - by SickAttack - 28.12.2016, 20:08
Re: Players timing out randomly - by IstuntmanI - 28.12.2016, 20:55
Re: Players timing out randomly - by HydraHumza - 29.12.2016, 13:00
Re: Players timing out randomly - by IstuntmanI - 29.12.2016, 14:31
Re: Players timing out randomly - by HydraHumza - 29.12.2016, 14:34
Re: Players timing out randomly - by SickAttack - 29.12.2016, 15:50
Re: Players timing out randomly - by HydraHumza - 29.12.2016, 16:16
Re: Players timing out randomly - by IstuntmanI - 29.12.2016, 16:52

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