amx/amx.c:811: expand: Assertion memsize==0 failed

I know what i have edited but i need that ammount of memory i don't know what remove i still need a lot of in future it's will be raising still i need raise limit i use YSI amx maybe it makes limit?

Messages In This Thread
amx/amx.c:811: expand: Assertion memsize==0 failed - by ScIrUsna - 20.04.2016, 03:30
Re: amx/amx.c:811: expand: Assertion memsize==0 failed - by itsCody - 20.04.2016, 03:34
Re: amx/amx.c:811: expand: Assertion memsize==0 failed - by ScIrUsna - 20.04.2016, 03:48

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