5-10 is still not bad. It most likely may have been mainly your server's name & overall fun within the gamemode.
When the server began I was happy having 5 players online.But I couldn't pay anymore since the server didn't get enough players, a common reason to a lot of servers getting closed.Getting players is not as easy as it seems.A lot of people think "Owning servers is easy" and criticize you at any way possible without knowing the hard work dedicated to getting players, and even owning a community.Getting players requires a lot of things, such as having a playable gamemode, having nice and mature staff, I've also noticed, that the name is very important tho.But one of the most reasons is having you're server on the hosted list.Sure some servers are on the hosted list but they have 0 players on.Why?Probably because of a not so playable gamemode, a lousy name..70% newly formed servers are doomed to close for many reasons which we all know.It's a shame a project you work on so hard, dedicate you're time and knowledge goes to waste, but hey you learn from you're mistakes is what I always say, just don't repeat them.