Can't load filterscript.

Hi,I'm trying to run a sa:mp freeroam/rp server on linux,I have an issue with custom filterscript "oupdates.amx" It's not working properly and I can't save organizations and organization related stuff.

GM by itself might be outdated but I have sucessfully re-compiled it to 0.3.7 using streamer plugin 2.8.

PHP код:
Loaded log file"server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
16:03:05Server Plugins
[16:03:05] --------------
16:03:05]  Loading
Streamer Plugin v2.8 by Incognito loaded ***
16:03:05]   Loaded.
16:03:05]  Loading
[16:03:05Plugin MerRandom v2.1 by Cyber_Punk got loaded.
16:03:05]   Loaded.
16:03:05]  Loading
[16:03:05]  PointToPoint Plugin Loaded.
16:03:05]   Loaded.
16:03:05]  Loaded 3 plugins.
[16:03:05] ---------------
16:03:05]   Loading filterscript 'buildings.amx'...
16:03:05] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x27201does not match plugin version (0x280001) (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)
16:03:05] *** Streamer PluginStreamer_SetVisibleItemsExpecting 3 parameter(s), but found 2
[16:03:05] *** Streamer PluginCreateDynamicObjectExpecting 13 parameter(s), but found 12
16:03:05]   Loading filterscript 'ls_elevator2.amx'...
16:03:05]   Loading filterscript 'shamal2.amx'...
16:03:05]   Unable to load filterscript 'shamal2.amx'.
16:03:05]   Loading filterscript 'oupdates.amx'...
16:03:05]   Loaded 3 filterscripts.
16:03:08]   Filterscript 'oupdates.amx' load failed.
16:03:08Number of vehicle models107
[16:05:01] [connection85.226.19.65:57948 requests connection cookie.
16:05:02] [connectionincoming connection85.226.19.65:57948 id0
[16:05:03] [joinPsycho_Kid has joined the server (0:
16:05:18] [registeredPsycho_Kid (Id0has registered a new account.
16:05:49] [partPsycho_Kid has left the server (0:1
Please help to fix this mistery,would be great if you could take a look at this GM full version personally.

Messages In This Thread
Can't load filterscript. - by iMosquito - 08.04.2016, 22:18
Respuesta: Can't load filterscript. - by Xabi - 09.04.2016, 08:56
Re: Can't load filterscript. - by iMosquito - 09.04.2016, 12:09

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