file include to Y_INI or DINI or SQL

Don't expect SQL to be a plug-and-play kind of thing. The 'L' in SQL stands for language. If you spent 2 months learning the basics of PAWN then you should at least spend just as much learning the basics of SQL. Reading a few tutorials and trying yourself would be a good way to start.

[ INSERT ****** QUOTE ABOUT SQL BEING A LANGUAGE ON ITS OWN HERE ] - What I said above is roughly that. There is someone on the forum with that quote in their signature. Can't seem to remember who it was.

Messages In This Thread
file include to Y_INI or DINI or SQL - by sheNdjze - 05.04.2016, 21:24
Re: file include to Y_INI or DINI or SQL - by -CaRRoT - 05.04.2016, 21:27
Re: file include to Y_INI or DINI or SQL - by sheNdjze - 05.04.2016, 21:29
Re: file include to Y_INI or DINI or SQL - by -CaRRoT - 05.04.2016, 21:31
Re: file include to Y_INI or DINI or SQL - by sheNdjze - 05.04.2016, 21:34
Re: file include to Y_INI or DINI or SQL - by AndySedeyn - 05.04.2016, 21:49
Re: file include to Y_INI or DINI or SQL - by sheNdjze - 05.04.2016, 21:55

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