Help REP+

You have to do some things, I shall help you by guiding you, but I won't make the script for you..

First, you gotta create a SetPlayerTeamFromSkin, only if you have teams in your server, if not, skip this
Second, you have to create a "pskin' under your playerinfo enum (assuming you are using Y_INI)
Third, After player registeration, set pskin to 0.
Fourth, OnPlayerRequestClass, check if pskin == 0, then continue
if pskin != 0, then forcespawn, and setteamfromskin (if there are teams in your server)
Fifth, OnPlayerDisconnect, set pskin =GetPlayerSkin(playerid);

That's only guidlines, use ****** now

Messages In This Thread
Help REP+ - by sheNdjze - 05.04.2016, 17:57
Re: Help REP+ - by Vanter - 05.04.2016, 19:10
Re: Help REP+ - by sheNdjze - 05.04.2016, 19:24

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