[FilterScript] Public Driver Service with y_ini

Hi there i made a very basic Public driver service using y_ini for saving the job.

This includes

** Pickup for taking job
** Entering vehicle with fare
** Fare system
** Command ( startfare )
** passenger system
** Fare checking command
** Money saving
** Few more things

Work process

You have to take job at the pds spawn. When a player enters the car he receives the msg as per he job or passenger.
And then when the pds type /startfare <id> it starts his fare( few conditions are added ). Now when the player exits the vehicle if he is a passenger he loses his fare. When the pds leaves the vehicle he receives his total fare amount. If the player disconnects while inside vehicle, passenger will lose the fare money and if it was pds then he gets the fare money. The money will be saved. When he logs in the receives the money.

Usage of this script

Could be use to continue this script for your server by editing it.
Learning base for begineer.


Makers of include :

Script work :
John_Blaze ( WSRPG)

You need those includes for running this script.


Pastebin codes : http://pastebin.com/GLDpihDm


Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you. I tried my best. I hope you give me your comments. I welcome them.
John_Blaze( WSRPG )

Messages In This Thread
Public Driver Service with y_ini - by JohnBlaze1971 - 04.04.2016, 17:20
Re: Public Driver Service with y_ini - by iKevin - 04.04.2016, 17:34

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