Voice Chat

Originally Posted by soueu
500 players talking at same time? OMFG!

Not only the server will become laggy, but also there will be a lot of spam...

Buy a Ventrilo or TeamSpeak server instead.
Do you think all the server will have 500 players? And all of the 500 players will have microphone? But i agree at the point that everyone will speak together. Even 50players is a lot of spam. But is it so difficult to get coded? Many games have in-game communication. What about Left 4 Dead, Counter Strike, Half Life. I am not game maker so i dont know... just saying. Buying a ventrilo or teamspeak is not an easy solution. Do you think everyone has the money to buy sa-mp server and a voice server together?

Messages In This Thread
Voice Chat - by TeeDotKay - 08.08.2009, 21:13
Re: Voice Chat - by Heerlenking - 08.08.2009, 21:17
Re: Voice Chat - by KingJ - 11.08.2009, 17:25
Re: Voice Chat - by toxickrystal - 16.08.2009, 08:10
Re: Voice Chat - by soueu - 16.08.2009, 18:45
Re: Voice Chat - by Dark_Kostas - 16.08.2009, 19:13
Re: Voice Chat - by KingJ - 16.08.2009, 20:02
Re: Voice Chat - by Dark_Kostas - 16.08.2009, 20:21
Re: Voice Chat - by Whiteagle - 16.08.2009, 20:22
Re: Voice Chat - by soueu - 16.08.2009, 23:58

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