Adding new tables in SQL

This is your problem:
PHP код:
            mysql_format(mysqlquerysizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `account_data` (`Name`, `Password`, `IP`) VALUES ('%e', '%e', '%e')"playernameAccount[playerid][Password], playerip); 
mysql_format(mysqlquery2sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `player_data` (`Name`, `Admin`, `VIP`, `Money`, `PosX`, `PosY`, `PosZ`, `PosA`) VALUES ('%e', 0, 0, 0, %f, %f, %f, %f)"playernameSTART_XSTART_YSTART_ZSTART_A); 
You're adding a row with data to two different tables (tables which have the same purpose?) and you call two different functions (which have the same purpose!) at the same time. Merge the queries and adjust your database accordingly.

Messages In This Thread
Adding new tables in SQL - by eikzdej - 01.04.2016, 23:47
Re: Adding new tables in SQL - by eikzdej - 02.04.2016, 11:48
Re: Adding new tables in SQL - by AndySedeyn - 02.04.2016, 11:56
Re: Adding new tables in SQL - by Barnwell - 02.04.2016, 13:58
Re: Adding new tables in SQL - by eikzdej - 02.04.2016, 16:04
Re: Adding new tables in SQL - by AndySedeyn - 02.04.2016, 18:08
Re: Adding new tables in SQL - by eikzdej - 03.04.2016, 00:22
Re: Adding new tables in SQL - by AndySedeyn - 03.04.2016, 09:15

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