How to make a NPC Zombie?

Advances are really just starting to be made now with this sort of thing for SA-MP I think in the next two years we will see someone release a well written NPC framework. Right now NPC development is held back on a few points but those barriers are being taken down bit by bit.

1.) The NPC plugins require some kind rotation translation algorithms this way pre-defined actions can be created and played back at any rotation.
2.) Advanced pathfinding algorithms using ColAndreas as the main engine.
3.) Development of a NPC framework to handle following, clean-up, NPC management etc

Until all that comes together development could be considered still in it's infancy however I have seen some great examples of putting two of the above points together. Now who ever gets all three of those aspects working in tandem will have the ultimate NPC system.

Messages In This Thread
How to make a NPC Zombie? - by SteSte - 31.03.2016, 01:33
Re: How to make a NPC Zombie? - by SyS - 31.03.2016, 02:20
Re: How to make a NPC Zombie? - by Pottus - 31.03.2016, 03:58
Re: How to make a NPC Zombie? - by Pottus - 31.03.2016, 04:01

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