Randomize Point Profit

Ok you may decide it by reading the differences :
OnGameModeInit - when you start the exe file
OnPlayerConnect - When you just open the game. Not spawned
OnPlayerSpawn - When you set your foot on the game.

You may try it with anyone. If something goes wrong then try my trick it will definately works.

Messages In This Thread
Randomize Point Profit - by NeXoR - 30.03.2016, 15:16
Re: Randomize Point Profit - by Threshold - 30.03.2016, 15:32
Re: Randomize Point Profit - by NeXoR - 30.03.2016, 15:43
Re: Randomize Point Profit - by fuckingcruse - 30.03.2016, 16:02
Re: Randomize Point Profit - by NeXoR - 30.03.2016, 16:12
Re: Randomize Point Profit - by fuckingcruse - 30.03.2016, 16:16
Re: Randomize Point Profit - by NeXoR - 30.03.2016, 16:26
Re: Randomize Point Profit - by fuckingcruse - 30.03.2016, 16:39
Re: Randomize Point Profit - by -CaRRoT - 30.03.2016, 18:01

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