29.03.2016, 02:20
Last edited by Crayder; 29/03/2016 at 02:55 AM.
I had made a basket stadium but then read that custom objects cant be detected for collision and i got sad .
For custom models you just run the wizard with CUSTOM.img included (there's an option to include it in the Wizard). For server objects you just use CA_CreateObject (or the wrappers in the include, most likely).
See what exactly? I talked about more than one 'it' there... Just PM me.
@Day_: I also did a missile script with it... Well, it was S.A.M. script I found on here somewhere that I added some super upgrades to.
@zT KiNgKoNg: I take no credit for that idea, it was one of things that were mentioned a lot when ColAndreas was first introduced. I was just the first to release a script with it (I already had one, I just figured someone else would've by now and I don't release most of my things).
@Pottus: Is TexAndreas really a go? That'd be great for a lot.