27.03.2016, 15:29
Okay, I started a roleplay server. I'm looking for admins, who have experience and knowledge about being one. How should I get active players? I don't have hosted tab, because I have no donations yet and it costs very much. Does hosted tab really help? Should I buy it? How many players will be actively on if I buy one? Any else suggestions?
Active players are formed if your server is fun. You have to give players a reason to stay.
Think like you're a player. Add features that are simple but very addicting.
Hosted tab is a risk you should take.
It doesn't matter if you don't have donations. I didn't have any when I started out, I emptied out my bank acc with $30.00 for it...
Hosted tab will:
- Put you ahead of thousands of server into a more compact list
- Will make you more visible to all SA-MP players
- Will speed up the process of knowing whether you should continue with your server
- Internet tab is the hosted tab, so players will only see servers on the hosted tab.
Comes with hard work, unfortunately.
You know why most of the servers/communities now days don't become successful? Simple, because they don't know what it takes to be it. Oh yeah, they have the amount of money to run a small community but they end up closing it because either they're not patient enough or just simply don't know how to maintain it.
From my personal experience, this is why most of them fail; - Friendship priority: hiring their friends and giving them high(est) position, no matter if they're experienced or not. - Lack of professionalism: this is a key reason, they just don't know how to keep everything maintained or don't have much interest. - Staff Team: we all know this is perhaps the second most common reason, stop hiring kids and you're good to go. - Script/GM: NGG edits.. |
2. Indeed. Communities should try to be as professional with every situation thrown at them. Better in the long run.
3. Disagree here. I had an excellent 12 year old admin that I thought was 18. Age doesn't matter, communication skills and comprehension of the server do.
4. Controversial. NGG edits can succeed. Key word; "edits". The edits made to the gamemode can be for the better of the server. I talked about this...