26.03.2016, 16:22
I encountered an error , but the split did a robbery system
The above error which rows
error 017: undefined symbol "zones" error 036: empty statement error 017: undefined symbol "s" fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 4 Errors.
public update_zones() { new line1[10]; new line2[10]; for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS_; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && zoneupdates[i] == 1) { if(IsPlayerInZone(i,player_zone[i])){} else { new player_zone_before; player_zone_before = player_zone[i]; player_zone[i] = -1; for(new s=0; s<sizeof(zones); s++){ if(IsPlayerInZone(i,s) && player_zone[i] == -1){ if(player_zone_before == -1){ format(string,sizeof(string),"%s",zones[s][zone_name]); TextDrawSetString(LocationTD[i],string); } else { if(strcmp(zones[s][zone_name],zones[player_zone_before][zone_name],true) != 0) { new string[128]; format(string,sizeof(string),"%s",zones[s][zone_name]); TextDrawSetString(LocationTD[i],string); } } player_zone[i] = s; format(line1,10,"p%dzone",i); format(line2,10,"%d",s); PropertySet(line1,line2); } } } if(player_zone[i] == -1) player_zone[i] = player_zone_before; } } } }
for(new s=0; s<sizeof(zones); s++){