Originally Posted by Gammix
Integers can't be directly used to specify which enum is being called since they can have different sizes.
ServidorInfo[SI:0] = strval(inputtext);
Is actually:
ServidorInfo[MaxPing] = strval(inputtext);
And your code is wrong, this is how you should do it:
pawn Код:
case DIALOG_MENUSERVER: { if(response) { if(ConfigVal(listitem) == "0" || ConfigVal(listitem) == "1") { new params[1]; cmd_configmenu(playerid,params); } else { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_VALORCONFIG,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Config","Insert new value:","Accept","Exit"); } } } case DIALOG_VALOROONFIG: { if(response) { ServidorInfo[SI:listitem] = inputtext; } }
It shows values that have nothing to do with the stored in the variable.
Thanks for all !!