Gpci banning

Hello guys,

I'm scripting a GPCI ban system for someone. (Extra on the regular ban system)
I've used this part of code to check if he is GPCI banned.. (This is from OnPlayerConnect)

	new zSerial[128], serialfile[128], pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], info[128];
	GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
	format(info,128,"[SEC]:%s was kicked.[Reason: Hash Banned]",pName);
	gpci(playerid, zSerial, 128);
	if(strcmp(zSerial,serialfile)) ABroadCast(0xFF0000FF, info, 2) && Kick(playerid);
But it kicks players even if his GPCI isn't in the GPCI map.
At the moment there is no GPCI saved in the GPCI map but it still kicks every player.
This is the code to save GPCI's:

stock BanGPCI(playerid)
	gpci(playerid, pSerial, 128);
	new file[128];
	if(!fexist(file)) fcreate(file);
	return 0;
I hope somebody can help me!

Best of luck

Messages In This Thread
Gpci banning - by faff - 13.03.2016, 03:26
Re: Gpci banning - by AdmBot - 13.03.2016, 09:02
Re: Gpci banning - by faff - 13.03.2016, 09:23
Re: Gpci banning - by iPLEOMAX - 13.03.2016, 11:33
Re: Gpci banning - by faff - 13.03.2016, 13:01

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