[FilterScript] [Dynamic] Advertising Board Creator

What Is It?
It's an advertising board creating system.
What I can do with it?

You can create a board with text on it and It also allows you to edit the size of the text.

How install it into your server?
  1. Download the .rar file and extract it.
  2. Put AdvertisingBoard.amx into filterscripts folder.
  3. Now write AirAdvertisingBoard into server.cfg in front of filterscripts.

Rcon Commands
  • /createboard [It will create a board]
  • /deleteboard [It will delete the specific board]
  • /editbpos [You can edit the position of the board with this command]
  • /editbtext [You can write and edit the text of the board with this command]
  • /editbfontsize [You can edit font size of the text]
  • /gotoboard [It will teleport you to the specified board location]

  1. Using EditDynamicObject
  2. Good saving and loading system
  3. Editing text of board in game
  4. Editing size of text in game


Advertising Board Creator



Side Notes

Hey! everyone I'm so glad to see you all here I'm Monkey D. Luffy you can call me Luffy for short and I hope you liked my first Filterscript ''Advertising Board Creator'' please let me know about the bugs down below in the comments if you found one I will keep updating it and also let me know if you liked my work.

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