Ghost Mode SPAWN

Have the vehicles spawn above the starting point.

pawn Код:
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, CreateVehicle(model, x, y, z + 5.0, angle, 0, 0, -1, 0), 0);
DisableRemoteVehicleCollisions(playerid, 1);
Where 'model', 'x', 'y', 'z' and 'angle' represent the vehicle model ID, X, Y, Z float and facing angle respectively.

This way, the vehicle falls in to place and is less likely to highly impact on the players below. You could increase the range a little, but an offset too high may result in damage to the vehicle or may cause the vehicle to flip.

Player leaves the vehicle? Respawn/destroy the vehicle and respawn the player. Player leaves the server? Delete/respawn the last vehicle they were in if they were participating in the race.

Messages In This Thread
Ghost Mode SPAWN - by AroseKhanNiazi - 08.03.2016, 13:09
Re: Ghost Mode SPAWN - by Threshold - 08.03.2016, 13:28
Re: Ghost Mode SPAWN - by AroseKhanNiazi - 08.03.2016, 13:42
Re: Ghost Mode SPAWN - by Threshold - 08.03.2016, 14:21
Re: Ghost Mode SPAWN - by BroZeus - 08.03.2016, 16:11
Re: Ghost Mode SPAWN - by AroseKhanNiazi - 08.03.2016, 16:40
Re: Ghost Mode SPAWN - by Crayder - 08.03.2016, 16:51
Re: Ghost Mode SPAWN - by AroseKhanNiazi - 08.03.2016, 17:48

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