[FilterScript] Blood splatter from gunshots!

Blood Splatter!

This script will change gunshots forever. Using ColAndreas and some simple math this script will splatter blood in the direction of the gunshots. The distance varies between 0 and 5. When the distance is 0 the blood will obviously go no where. When it is 1 - 5 it will splatter on any wall beyond the player being shot. The blood fades away within 2 seconds after it is splattered.
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  • 1.0.1 - Initial Release
  • 1.0.2 - Timer Optimization
  • 1.0.3 - Normal Leveling (produces random difference from the walls to prevent texture overlapping)
  • 1.0.4 - Removes y_iterate and blood limit.
  • 1.0.5 - Return value in ONWS to allow damage.
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  • ColAndreas thanks to Pottus, Chris, and Slice (ColAndreas is the center of this FS).
  • Streamer, thanks to Incognito (using streamer since bullets shoot fast, there will be hundreds of blood objects).
  • FloatRand, thanks to Y-Less (better than my float random function).
  • *Removed*y_iterate, thanks to Y-Less (using y_iterate to handle the streamer ID's so we don't need gigantic, inefficient methods).
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Bugs, Concerns, and Questions:
  • Streaming based on player movement will make it look weird. To fix, change the streamer update mode in your gamemode.
  • The ColAndreas world is based on YOUR world. For this script to work you need to have a world to begin with, if you use the San Andreas map (of course most of you do) just do CA_Init in your gamemode.
  • The blood isn't showing sometimes? It's random. It's a 5 out of 11 chance of being splattered. And as noted in the description, those 5 chances represent distances (if it's a 1, the blood will only splatter 1 unit away; 5, 5 units; and all those in between).
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BloodSplatter 1.0.5

Messages In This Thread
Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Crayder - 06.03.2016, 17:26
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Crystallize - 06.03.2016, 17:27
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Pottus - 06.03.2016, 17:54
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Stones - 06.03.2016, 18:02
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Crayder - 06.03.2016, 19:11
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by CounterTDM - 06.03.2016, 20:05
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Pottus - 06.03.2016, 21:58
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Crayder - 06.03.2016, 22:02
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Pottus - 06.03.2016, 22:06
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Crayder - 06.03.2016, 22:11
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by DEATHSTROKE - 06.03.2016, 22:24
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Amunra - 07.03.2016, 10:05
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by MicroKyrr - 07.03.2016, 11:01
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Karan007 - 11.03.2016, 07:12
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by HydraHumza - 11.03.2016, 08:08
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Logic_ - 11.03.2016, 11:57
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Arithmetic - 11.03.2016, 15:51
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by VenusDarkX - 11.03.2016, 15:55
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Glossy42O - 12.03.2016, 06:54
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by JamalMaddox - 12.03.2016, 06:56
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by markparker12 - 12.03.2016, 17:48
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Unrea1 - 15.03.2016, 20:38
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Ducati - 15.03.2016, 21:22
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Crayder - 15.03.2016, 21:38
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by N0FeaR - 20.03.2016, 14:11
Respuesta: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Whyd - 21.03.2016, 14:58
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by iKevin - 06.04.2016, 13:38
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by RogerCosta - 06.04.2016, 15:18
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Greggu - 17.07.2016, 20:49
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Crayder - 17.07.2016, 20:53
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Ivan_Ino - 17.07.2016, 21:22
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by UltraScripter - 17.07.2016, 21:34
Re: Blood splatter from gunshots! - by Greggu - 17.07.2016, 22:26

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