18.02.2016, 19:39
Especially "lack of understanding of the foreign work". I do not like to use code that I do not understand. YSI especially because it is such a mess of defines, macros, assembly code and other kinds of compiler hacks.
Actual line of code. Totally understandable.
Especially "lack of understanding of the foreign work". I do not like to use code that I do not understand. YSI especially because it is such a mess of defines, macros, assembly code and other kinds of compiler hacks.
PHP код:
#define _DO_LAMBDA|||%6|||%5|||<%9>{%0}(%1)%8; LAM@0()%8;{LAM@1();static const YSII[]="@:....";if(I@E(YSII))for(%6;I@F();)while(I@L(I@K()%5))YSI_gInlineRet+=(%0);LAM@2(%9(callback_tag:YSII%1));}