18.02.2016, 03:30
I found out about SAMP in late 2012, I started playing on a roleplay which i still play on till this day, To be honest SAMP changed my life, my english has improved a lot, i know a lot of stuff which i didn't you like hosting websites
C+ Pawno & Javascripting Xenforo forum software, samp made my smarter because you don't learn these stuff in school, I just want to say Thank you to all the people who helped creating SAMP without samp i would be still playing CS:S with no knowledge of english or any scripting language.
C+ Pawno & Javascripting Xenforo forum software, samp made my smarter because you don't learn these stuff in school, I just want to say Thank you to all the people who helped creating SAMP without samp i would be still playing CS:S with no knowledge of english or any scripting language.