Y-Less's sticky threads.

I still definitely believe that with this sticky there will be a lot less bad threads. It had a large effect before, and it can again. It's needed especially since it looks like the Scripting Help section is the most popular section, and the most popular section always comes with dumb stuff.

Messages In This Thread
Y-Less's sticky threads. - by Crayder - 08.02.2016, 20:10
Re: Y-Less's sticky threads. - by Joron - 08.02.2016, 20:12
Re: Y-Less's sticky threads. - by Crayder - 08.02.2016, 20:19
Re: Y-Less's sticky threads. - by Ahmad45123 - 08.02.2016, 20:34
Re: Y-Less's sticky threads. - by Crystallize - 08.02.2016, 20:48
Re: Y-Less's sticky threads. - by Krest - 08.02.2016, 21:39
Re: Y-Less's sticky threads. - by Crayder - 08.02.2016, 21:44
Re: Y-Less's sticky threads. - by SchurmanCQC - 09.02.2016, 01:54
Re: Y-Less's sticky threads. - by -CaRRoT - 09.02.2016, 02:01
Re: Y-Less's sticky threads. - by Crayder - 09.02.2016, 03:16

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