07.02.2016, 12:26
Ok then it's obvious that "test2" is not shown
On this you check if "amount2" has avalue lower or equally than/to "2". As the value is 500, it is higher than 2 and therefor the code in the if condition is going to be ignored.
would be a solution for the server to do something in the case of a value higher than 2.
if(amount2 <= 2) { for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(DropInfo); i++) { printf("test2"); if(DropInfo[i][dpX] == 0.0 && DropInfo[i][dpY] == 0.0 && DropInfo[i][dpZ] == 0.0) { strmid(DropInfo[i][dpOwner], GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), 0, strlen(GetPlayerNameEx(playerid)), 255); DropInfo[i][dpAmmo] = amounto; DropInfo[i][dpX] = X; DropInfo[i][dpY] = Y; DropInfo[i][dpZ] = Z; DropInfo[i][dpWorld] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid); DropInfo[i][dpType] = 2; DropInfo[i][dpObject] = CreateDynamicObject(1578, X, Y, Z-1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid)); return 1; } } }
if(amount2 <= 2) { for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(DropInfo); i++) { printf("test2"); if(DropInfo[i][dpX] == 0.0 && DropInfo[i][dpY] == 0.0 && DropInfo[i][dpZ] == 0.0) { strmid(DropInfo[i][dpOwner], GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), 0, strlen(GetPlayerNameEx(playerid)), 255); DropInfo[i][dpAmmo] = amounto; DropInfo[i][dpX] = X; DropInfo[i][dpY] = Y; DropInfo[i][dpZ] = Z; DropInfo[i][dpWorld] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid); DropInfo[i][dpType] = 2; DropInfo[i][dpObject] = CreateDynamicObject(1578, X, Y, Z-1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid)); return 1; } } } else { printf("test3, amount is higher than 2, as it's %d", amount2); //some other code if you want }