Another ITD Problem

Hi again guys. I know, i'm boring cauze i always posted the problem with cursour on ipleomax.
So, i decided to take a another ITDE edit by the russians - This edit work in a friend computer.

But, normal, at me. I got this:

There are the lines:

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/itd", true, 4))
	    if(ProjectEditor == playerid)
	        if(strlen(cmdtext) >= 6)
				if(!strcmp(cmdtext[5], "top", true))
					OffsetZ = 0.0;
					if(MenuShown && !MenuHidden) ShowEditor();
					return Send(playerid, -1, #ITD_I"Menu location set to: TOP");
				} else

				if(!strcmp(cmdtext[5], "bottom", true))
					OffsetZ = 415.0;
					if(MenuShown && !MenuHidden) ShowEditor();
					return Send(playerid, -1, #ITD_I"Menu location set to: BOTTOM");
				} else
				return Send(playerid, -1, "Usage: /itd (Top / Bottom / Center)");
			return Send(playerid, -1, #ITD_I"Press ESC in main menu to go back or exit editor.");
		GetPlayerIp(playerid, String_Normal, 16);
		if(strcmp(String_Normal, "*******", false))
		return Send(playerid, -1, #ITD_E"samp-server.exe is not running in this computer! Make sure the server is at localhost, not remote.");
		if(ProjectEditor != playerid && ProjectEditor != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
		return Send(playerid, -1, #ITD_E"Another host is already using the editor.");
		Send(playerid, -1, "Welcome to {62E300}iPLEOMAX's Textdraw Editor{FFFFFF}. Pick an option to begin!");
		ProjectEditor = playerid;
		return true;
	return false;

Messages In This Thread
Another ITD Problem - by LaLy17 - 05.02.2016, 17:12
Re: Another ITD Problem - by TwinkiDaBoss - 05.02.2016, 21:28
Re: Another ITD Problem - by Sascha - 05.02.2016, 21:54
Re: Another ITD Problem - by TopShooter - 05.02.2016, 21:54
Re: Another ITD Problem - by LaLy17 - 06.02.2016, 09:51

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