No funciona mi gm en el windows

Compre un servicio de RDP, con windows server 2003, por lo cual voy a montar mi servidor, pero al abrir samp-server sale eso, en mi pc lo abro bien y todo, me dijieron que el net frameork y ccstudio pero ambos ya los instale

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[03/02/2016 20:58:19]
[03/02/2016 20:58:19] Server Plugins
[03/02/2016 20:58:19] --------------
[03/02/2016 20:58:19] Loading plugin: streamer.dll
[03/02/2016 20:58:19] Failed.
[03/02/2016 20:58:19] Loading plugin: audio.dll
[03/02/2016 20:58:19]

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

[03/02/2016 20:58:19] Loaded.
[03/02/2016 20:58:19] Loading plugin: sscanf.dll
[03/02/2016 20:58:19]

[03/02/2016 20:58:19] ===============================

[03/02/2016 20:58:19] sscanf plugin loaded.

[03/02/2016 20:58:20] Version: 2.8.1

[03/02/2016 20:58:20] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole

[03/02/2016 20:58:20] ===============================

[03/02/2016 20:58:20] Loaded.
[03/02/2016 20:58:20] Loaded 2 plugins.

[03/02/2016 20:58:20]
[03/02/2016 20:58:20] Ban list
[03/02/2016 20:58:20] --------
[03/02/2016 20:58:20] Loaded: samp.ban
[03/02/2016 20:58:20]
[03/02/2016 20:58:20]
[03/02/2016 20:58:20] Filterscripts
[03/02/2016 20:58:20] ---------------
[03/02/2016 20:58:20] Loading filterscript 'vae.amx'...
[03/02/2016 20:58:20] Unable to load filterscript 'vae.amx'.
[03/02/2016 20:58:20] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[03/02/2016 20:58:20] Script[gamemodes/rpmg.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[03/02/2016 20:58:20] Number of vehicle models: 0

Messages In This Thread
No funciona mi gm en el windows - by yarid - 04.02.2016, 04:04
Re: No funciona mi gm en el windows - by SickAttack - 04.02.2016, 04:18
Respuesta: No funciona mi gm en el windows - by yarid - 04.02.2016, 06:28

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