[HELP]: Actor Animation

Hello friends I have a question , nose and put it when buying the gun the bot that is close do the animation to sell, and try
ApplyActorAnimation ( MyActor , "dealer ", " shop_pay " 4.1, 0 , 0, 0 , 0, 0 ) ;
but to put that all players make that animation and I just want you to do that is close to my
sorry for my bad English and I hope and can help me thanks

Messages In This Thread
[HELP]: Actor Animation - by Profeta22 - 01.02.2016, 21:41
Re: [HELP]: Actor Animation - by Phar - 01.02.2016, 21:52
Respuesta: [HELP]: Actor Animation - by Profeta22 - 01.02.2016, 21:58
Re: [HELP]: Actor Animation - by Phar - 01.02.2016, 22:01
Respuesta: [HELP]: Actor Animation - by Profeta22 - 01.02.2016, 22:04
Re: Respuesta: [HELP]: Actor Animation - by Phar - 01.02.2016, 22:07
Respuesta: Re: Respuesta: [HELP]: Actor Animation - by Profeta22 - 01.02.2016, 22:23
Re: [HELP]: Actor Animation - by Phar - 01.02.2016, 23:02
Re: [HELP]: Actor Animation - by KillerDVX - 01.02.2016, 23:55
Respuesta: Re: [HELP]: Actor Animation - by Profeta22 - 02.02.2016, 03:39

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