[Tutorial] Mappingmaniac's in-depth mapping guide *Create your own awesome maps!*

Nice tutorial!

Also Id love to see that http://i.imgur.com/T4VDK9A.jpg map released haha, looks dope as fuck.

Also few more stuff I hope it helps out with your tut
1. If objects are placed over 1500 (i think it was 1500) Z, player camera can go outside the objects. Same effect as placing mapping outside GTA SA Map. Ill try to find correct Z for it which over you shouldnt go.

2. In some interior mapping, its better to keep interior bellow the GTA SA map to avoid birds flying thru it (which can make it annoying as fuck)

3. Its possible to make underwater tunels as long as the player enters the road before he enters the water. Ie if you make a highway under the water, player wont float inside the water if they were driving on it already. Example:
There is a straight highway that you enter inside LS at Pershing square for example. If heigh is the same underwater as the road you are driving on (If there are no jumps etc on it) you will be able to drive on it even thru the water. Same goes for walking. There will still be visual water effect on your screen, like you are diving but your breath wont go down and you wont get set to swiming animation

Messages In This Thread
Mappingmaniac's in-depth mapmaking guide *Create your own awesome maps!* - by EvenemE - 26.01.2016, 15:29
Re: Mappingmaniac's in-depth mapping guide *Create your own awesome maps!* - by Darkwood17 - 26.01.2016, 16:20
Re: Mappingmaniac's in-depth mapping guide *Create your own awesome maps!* - by TwinkiDaBoss - 27.01.2016, 15:19

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