25.01.2016, 23:02
Welcome back!
Yep, samp still is active as a game. Players numbers dropped a bit, but I guess thats the common long-term drop, followed by a huge peak when a new version is announced or a RC is released. The forum doesnt look that well though. Activity dropped a lot, interesting threads are quite rare these days. For a certain part this is also caused by the long time since the last update. Though its not only that. Many "important" people left samp behind in 2015, some of them cant ever be replaced by the "new generation", like Y_Less and a handful of others. I personally feel that there arent many people left to have a worthy conversation with. Most posts these days are just the "white noise" of people asking the same scripting questions for the 1234th time. And in a chain reaction this causes other people to also post less frequent. Well, lets see where this leads to. Kalcor recently made a few very interesting posts about possible future plans for samp, was really surprised to read that. |
Could you direct me to the posts Kalcor made though? I've been looking but I couldn't find them.