[FS/MAP] Chillad Massive Parachuteing

Hello, I made my first FS, and my first map, so I'm decideing to release it. Its very basic, but its good for stunt servers :P

Basically what it is is you type in /chilladpara and it teles you to this huge building (11 skyscrapers stacked on top of each other), and it gives you a parachute.

I'm not sure if screen shots are really nessicary, because its just a big building you jump off, but if anyone wants them, just say so :P



Messages In This Thread
[FS/MAP] Chillad Massive Parachuteing - by _Vortex - 13.08.2009, 05:17
Re: [FS/MAP] Chillad Massive Parachuteing - by DarkClone - 13.08.2009, 05:25
Re: [FS/MAP] Chillad Massive Parachuteing - by nuriel8833 - 13.08.2009, 08:07
Re: [FS/MAP] Chillad Massive Parachuteing - by _Vortex - 13.08.2009, 20:10
Re: [FS/MAP] Chillad Massive Parachuteing - by arsham - 14.08.2009, 13:51
Re: [FS/MAP] Chillad Massive Parachuteing - by V1ceC1ty - 14.08.2009, 16:30
Re: [FS/MAP] Chillad Massive Parachuteing - by _Vortex - 15.08.2009, 05:41

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