How to?..

If i'm not wrong it supposed to be like that:
PHP код:
new Text:PTextDraw[MAX_PLAYERS]; // on top 
PHP код:
PTextDraw[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(x,y," "); // on player connect 
PHP код:
TextDrawDestroy(PTextDraw[playerid]); // onplayerdisconnect 
And For update text
PHP код:
  new string[150];
format(stringsizeof(string), "\t%s 's Gears ammount:\n\nYou Have: %d Gears!"Global_NamePlayerInfo[playerid][GoldCoins]);

Messages In This Thread
How to?.. - by Brys - 22.01.2016, 08:08
Re: How to?.. - by Lucky13 - 22.01.2016, 08:14
Re: How to?.. - by Brys - 22.01.2016, 08:19
Re: How to?.. - by jlalt - 22.01.2016, 09:12

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