house filterscript not working

* /house - Opens the house menu, house owner only.
* /createhouse [price] [interior id] - RCON admins only, lets you create a house.
* /hsetinterior [house id] [interior id] - RCON admins only, lets you change a house's interior.
* /hsetprice [house id] [price] - RCON admins only, lets you change a house's price.
* /resethouse [house id] - RCON admins only, resets a house.
* /deletehouse [house id] - RCON admins only, deletes a house.
* [added in v1.2] /gotohouse [house id] - RCON admins only, teleports you to house's entrance you specified ID of.
I guess the scripter set it to return 0; if you are not the owner.
Or if you are not in the house, meaning you need to be logged in to rcon or own the house.

Messages In This Thread
house filterscript not working - by brandypol - 21.01.2016, 01:04
Re: house filterscript not working - by Weponz - 21.01.2016, 05:27
Re: house filterscript not working - by brandypol - 21.01.2016, 22:16
Re: house filterscript not working - by yvoms - 21.01.2016, 22:24
Re: house filterscript not working - by brandypol - 21.01.2016, 22:31
Re: house filterscript not working - by yvoms - 21.01.2016, 22:42
Re: house filterscript not working - by brandypol - 21.01.2016, 22:56

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