21.01.2016, 18:26
He means that by this,
Set your admin nickname so whenever you go on duty, the name switches to your administrator nickname, when you go off duty, your in-game normal player name fades in.
It's like /setadminname DRP - current ig name Lewis Benson, /adminduty *Name changes to DRP, /adminduty to go off duty *Name changes to Lewis Benson
I have this script but from a released gamemode which is not mine, can't share sorry.
Set your admin nickname so whenever you go on duty, the name switches to your administrator nickname, when you go off duty, your in-game normal player name fades in.
It's like /setadminname DRP - current ig name Lewis Benson, /adminduty *Name changes to DRP, /adminduty to go off duty *Name changes to Lewis Benson
I have this script but from a released gamemode which is not mine, can't share sorry.