how to define a vehicle

I want to make a renting system but I never did this and I'm not sure how to define a number of vehicles as being for rent, or atleast how to show the rent price when he enter it like.

new RentVehicle[4];

RentVehicle[0] = CreateStaticVehicle(
RentVehicle[1] = CreateStaticVehicle(
RentVehicle[2] = CreateStaticVehicle(
RentVehicle[3] = CreateStaticVehicle(

But how to send him a message when he enters these vehicles?

I think it is something like if(RentVehicle[1])

but how to make for all vehicles at the same time?

if(RentVehicle[1]) && (RentVehicle[2])?

Messages In This Thread
how to define a vehicle - by AndreiWow - 18.01.2016, 03:49
Re: how to define a vehicle - by SoFahim - 18.01.2016, 04:00
Re: how to define a vehicle - by AndreiWow - 18.01.2016, 04:14

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