Why is it so hard to get DDoS protection?

Originally Posted by DeitY
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Yes i know that , i blocked EVERY SINGLE port on dedicated, and still they manage to somehow down it.

However, what i have noticed now is something unexplainable:

When i get TCP DUMP from machine DIRECTLY, there is no a SINGLE bad traffic, but when i record with my ethernet capturing, i have noticed some wierd crap.. ( http://prntscr.com/9r6r4w http://prntscr.com/9r6rh4 )

I can't even figure out how's this possible, the spoofed ip addreses don't even reach server but manage somehow to drop people from SA:MP. LOL..

I'd just say maybe some new samp exploit, as server doesnt see any malicious traffic. I have sent even thousand tcp dumps to OVH and still they say no a single problem is there..
If it directly affects the SA:MP server without touching the linux box, then I believe it to be directly attacking the network layer of SA:MP. Did you add a rule to reject all malformed/invalid packets?

Does SA:MP use the GVSP protocol?

Messages In This Thread
Why is it so hard to get DDoS protection? - by DeitY - 14.01.2016, 15:12
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by CoaPsyFactor - 14.01.2016, 15:20
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by SickAttack - 14.01.2016, 15:27
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by DeitY - 14.01.2016, 15:32
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by SickAttack - 14.01.2016, 15:54
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by Crystallize - 14.01.2016, 16:36
Respuesta: Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by jurgen - 14.01.2016, 17:48
Re: Respuesta: Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by SickAttack - 14.01.2016, 18:10
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by DeitY - 14.01.2016, 22:33
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by SickAttack - 14.01.2016, 23:03
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by DeitY - 14.01.2016, 23:08
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by nickdodd25 - 14.01.2016, 23:50
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by SickAttack - 15.01.2016, 01:05
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by Saurik - 15.01.2016, 01:15
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by DeitY - 15.01.2016, 01:46
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by nickdodd25 - 15.01.2016, 03:28
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by -CaRRoT - 15.01.2016, 04:08
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by DeitY - 15.01.2016, 04:09
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by -CaRRoT - 15.01.2016, 04:12
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by DeitY - 15.01.2016, 05:16
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by Sithis - 15.01.2016, 06:52
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by Danzou - 15.01.2016, 09:58
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by Mellnik - 15.01.2016, 10:28
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by DeitY - 15.01.2016, 11:40
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by Infinity - 15.01.2016, 12:49
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by DeitY - 15.01.2016, 18:00
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by Sublime - 17.01.2016, 10:50
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by DeitY - 17.01.2016, 10:58
Re: Why is it so hard(DDoS)? - by Sublime - 17.01.2016, 11:38
Re: Why is it so hard to get DDoS protection? - by MikeBN - 30.01.2016, 23:20

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