/clothes bug.

I've made a /clothes system where you could select a skin you can use.

It uses the ModelSelection feature to show the skins.
I want to make it so when the player is not part of a faction, it gets some certain skins.
If he is part of a faction, he gets other skins. However, this isn't working, it only works if I'm not part of a faction..
Here is my /clothes command.

	if(GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid)-BUSINESS_VIRTUAL_WORLD >= 1)
		new businessID;
		businessID = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) - BUSINESS_VIRTUAL_WORLD;
		if(businessVariables[businessID][bType] == 2)
				if(playerVariables[playerid][pGroup] == 0)
					ShowModelSelectionMenu(playerid, skinlist, "Skins");
				else if(playerVariables[playerid][pGroup] == 1)
					ShowModelSelectionMenu(playerid, skinlist2, "Skins");
	else SCM(playerid, -1, "You are not at clothing store."); 
    return 1;
new skinlist = mS_INVALID_LISTID;
new skinlist2 = mS_INVALID_LISTID;

Messages In This Thread
/clothes bug. - by danielpalade - 16.01.2016, 18:26
Re: /clothes bug. - by danielpalade - 17.01.2016, 17:21

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