This is going way too far!

Originally Posted by Wizzard2H
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No this is not happening only to "Spanish Servers" it's also happening on other servers as well, I don't know how long this will go but I hope you guys will investigate these 2 cases.
You have to be more specific on how this happens (1st case). As far as I have seen, Spanish and Brazilian servers are pretty much the only servers affected by this bug, flaw or w/e.

As for my experience (a fact). Is that, if you put "Espaсol" on the language field on your server, sooner or later (not instantly), your server will be affected by the so called "invalid server bug". I removed "Espaсol" from the language text on RzCnR already, yet it's still turning into an invalid server when you search for it on the internet tab or hosted tab (they both are the same anyway, doesn't make a difference).

When it had "English" only on it for a good while, nothing happened. It only started 2 days ago after adding the new language to the server's language text.

In all means, this is caused by having "Espaсol", "PT", "BR" or "Portuguese" on the language text. It may be caused by other factors.

But isn't it weird that a server (FenixZone) that has the same language text on it doesn't get affected by all this? This brings up suspicions. People from the Spanish section have been complaining about this issue for a long time! And you have my support. I hope this problem gets solves asap. Now that we don't have the internet tab anymore, we are forced to pay for hosted tab, but yet we are literally restricted from using the service too to this very own moment (it has been a long time since it all started)? Like, c'mon! The price was already increased, and people without game-mp accounts have to pay 20-23 USD/month. You couldn't possibly ask for more! Or shall I say take more?

P.S. I'm not placing the blame on anyone, but one thing that cannot be left unsaid, is that the support provided by the SA-MP team isn't all that good. In other words, it's a couple of steps away from complete obsolesce.


Messages In This Thread
This is going way too far! - by Crystallize - 14.01.2016, 07:37
Re: This is going way too far! - by SickAttack - 14.01.2016, 08:25
Re: This is going way too far! - by Crystallize - 14.01.2016, 09:51
Re: This is going way too far! - by SickAttack - 14.01.2016, 18:19
Re: This is going way too far! - by Crystallize - 14.01.2016, 22:06
Re: This is going way too far! - by SickAttack - 14.01.2016, 22:11

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