08.01.2016, 18:15
Последний раз редактировалось DarK_FeneR; 31.05.2016 в 12:40.
Причина: Updated Gang System to v3.1.2
- Gang zone creator in-game
- Create gang in-game
- Invite players
- Kick members
- Private gang vehicles
- Conquer gang zones
- Gang tag
- Revenue money from conquired zones
- Plate on gang vehicles
- [new]Added Gang PayDay system
- All players
- /Gang - See all commands
- /Gang Info - See help for Gang System
- /Gang Create - Create a gang's
- /Gang Invite - Invite a player to join in your gang's
- /Gang Join - Accept the last gang's invite
- /Gang Leave - Abbandona la gang's attuale
- /Gang Stats - See your gang's stats
- /Gang List - See the gang's list
- /Gang PaymentList - See all member's Payment percentage
- /Gang Top - See the SCORE (Tot Conquired Zones + (Tot Gang Kills / 10)), TOT GANG KILLS and TOT CONQUIRED ZONES
- Gang Owner
- /Gang Kick - Kicks a player from your gang
- /Gang Tag - Sets the gang's tag
- /Gang Vehicle - Sets your gang's vehicle model, color1 and color2
- /Gang Color - Changes you gang's color
- /Gang PaymentSet - Sets the percentage of a member's payday
- Admin
- /Gang Zone - Create a gang zone
- /Gang Resetcash - Reset the zone's cash
- /Gang Pickup - Set the cash's pickup position
- /Gang Vehzone - Set the gang's vehicles position
Scriptfiles & Defines
pawn Код:
#define MAX_ZONES 64 //Max zones
#define MAX_GANGS 20 //Max gangs
#define MAX_MEMBERS 15 //Max Gang's members
#define MAX_GVEHICLES 3 //Max Vehicle for a zone
#define AllowDecreaseTotKills true //If it is true, when a player in a gang death, the player's gang TotKills will decrease
#define MembersForConq 3 //Members needed to conquer a gangzone
#define TimeForConq 60000 //Time in milliseconds to conquire a gangzone
#define MoneyAfterConq 2500 //Will give this value at all members who conquired a zone
#define TimerAddCash 60000 //Every this time, the gangzone will receve the value AddCash
#define AddCash 25 //influeced by TimerAddCash: Every that time, the cash of gang zones will increased with this value
#define mapiconid 0
#define GangPayDay 12 //Expressed in hour (Will give gang money on this hour of the day at the members, default: 12:00)
#define GangCFGFile "M3_Server/GangFS/Gang.cfg" //Create a little Info about Gang and Zones created
#define GangIDFile "M3_Server/GangFS/Gangs/%d.cfg" //Storage the gang file
#define GangZoneFile "M3_Server/GangFS/Zones/%d.cfg" //Storage the zone file
#define GangUserFile "M3_Server/GangFS/Users/%s.ini" //Storage User file (Of gang system)
#define UserBankFile "M3_Server/GangFS/Users/%s.ini" //Storage the cash of the payday's Player (Important to change it if you have an another folder for your Bank System)
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <streamer>
#include <Dini>
#include <sscanf2>
"Streamer" by Incognito: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=102865
GangDK3.0 GangDK96_3.0.pwn GangDK96_3.0.amx GangDK96_3.0.rar
GangDK3.1 GangDK96_3.1.pwn GangDK96_3.1.amx GangDK96_3.1.rar
GangDK3.1.2 GangDK96_3.1.2.pwn GangDK96_3.1.2.amx GangDK96_3.1.2.rar
DarK_FeneR996 (me) (ALL THE SCRIPT)
shourya12 Suggestion of Top Gang and Shorter Gang command
Tommyx3 Suggestion Shorter Gang command and little code helping for Shorter Gang Command