Textdraw clickable size is massive.

This is my code for the X. In the video you see that when I mouse over the X it has a massive range of where it can be clicked. How do I reduce this?


	Dashboard_TDE[playerid][3] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 490.399841, 81.692527, "X");
	PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, Dashboard_TDE[playerid][3], 0.400000, 1.600000);
	PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, Dashboard_TDE[playerid][3], 1);
	PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, Dashboard_TDE[playerid][3], -1);
	PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, Dashboard_TDE[playerid][3], 0);
	PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, Dashboard_TDE[playerid][3], 0);
	PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, Dashboard_TDE[playerid][3], 255);
	PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, Dashboard_TDE[playerid][3], 1);
	PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, Dashboard_TDE[playerid][3], 1);
	PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, Dashboard_TDE[playerid][3], 0);
	PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid, Dashboard_TDE[playerid][3], true);

Messages In This Thread
Textdraw clickable size is massive. - by Alex_T - 04.01.2016, 22:56
Re: Textdraw clickable size is massive. - by Lucky13 - 04.01.2016, 22:59
Re: Textdraw clickable size is massive. - by Alex_T - 04.01.2016, 23:06
Re: Textdraw clickable size is massive. - by Lucky13 - 04.01.2016, 23:07
Re: Textdraw clickable size is massive. - by Alex_T - 04.01.2016, 23:11
Re: Textdraw clickable size is massive. - by Lucky13 - 04.01.2016, 23:17
Re: Textdraw clickable size is massive. - by Alex_T - 04.01.2016, 23:19
Re: Textdraw clickable size is massive. - by Lucky13 - 04.01.2016, 23:20
Re: Textdraw clickable size is massive. - by Alex_T - 04.01.2016, 23:31
Re: Textdraw clickable size is massive. - by Lucky13 - 04.01.2016, 23:34

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