Shall I buy this PC?

Or try these steps:
  1. Buy a Computer Cabinet ( Usually comes with a Power Supply Unit )
  2. Purchase a Mother board of choice ( Depends on you )
  3. Purchase two 4gb ram cards
  4. I'd suggest you a 4GB or somewhere near there Graphic Card by NIVIDIA or G-Force (Idk if GForce is found in ur country)
  5. Buy two Hard Disks of your choice size.
  6. Moniter (IF you have one, You dont need it )
  7. USB Keyboard and Mouse in one.
  8. Headphones and Microphone inbuilt.
  9. Disk Drive ( Optional )
  10. USB Hub (It's cheap and doesn't spoil the Motherboard's USB slots)
The list may seem big, But It's better to get one yourself. Also, If you dont know how to assemble a Computer, I'd recommend you to go to a local Electronics shop and they will do it for a very small price. It's better to pay that amount than try it yourself using Youtube Videos and destroying it.

In my opinion, Making one yourself is cheaper than getting a brand new one as said by Krest.

Messages In This Thread
Shall I buy this PC? - by Tuntun - 01.01.2016, 05:57
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by Spydro - 01.01.2016, 06:17
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by [UE]Milan - 01.01.2016, 06:18
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by Krest - 01.01.2016, 06:22
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by [Twixx] - 01.01.2016, 06:50
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by [UE]Milan - 01.01.2016, 07:33
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by Godey - 01.01.2016, 07:47
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by dndperas - 04.01.2016, 17:46
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by jamesbond007 - 04.01.2016, 17:48
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by iMTube™ - 05.01.2016, 07:15
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by YoDawg - 05.01.2016, 09:04
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by aymel - 05.01.2016, 13:02
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by Niko_boy - 11.01.2016, 10:27
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by kirostar - 11.01.2016, 10:31
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by lntoxicated - 17.01.2016, 19:12
Respuesta: Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by p0isoN - 17.01.2016, 19:40
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by Vince - 17.01.2016, 21:17
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by sammp - 21.01.2016, 12:33
Re: Shall I buy this PC? - by Smithy - 25.01.2016, 11:07

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