dini > INI

It's bundled with the YSI library: https://github.com/Misiur/YSI-Includes
DINI uses an inefficient and outdated method of saving information to .ini files while y_ini is the opposite. Though, excessive data writing to and reading from .ini files is always slower than libraries that use methods made for solely that purpose such as: (My)SQL(ite).

Messages In This Thread
dini > INI - by saffierr - 30.12.2015, 01:47
Re: dini > INI - by SnG.Scot_MisCuDI - 30.12.2015, 01:49
Re: dini > INI - by saffierr - 30.12.2015, 02:28
Re: dini > INI - by AndySedeyn - 30.12.2015, 02:36
Re: dini > INI - by saffierr - 30.12.2015, 04:11

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