A question about Coding

Start with tutorials and always apply what you learn. It's hard but will worth.
I started with some tutorials on *******(I didn't logged on forum for a while and I don't know the rules,if I am allowed to show you this guy).
PAWN is like C/C++.If you want to go deep then you can look over this language.
And about your question languages like C or C++ are like PAWN and will help&learn you to be a better scripter.But if you want to learn only for San Andreas then stick just with PAWN.(PAWN is learned faster working with PAWN , not with other languages)

Messages In This Thread
A question about Coding - by Magnezia - 28.12.2015, 06:03
Re: A question about Coding - by SickAttack - 28.12.2015, 06:43
Re: A question about Coding - by Magnezia - 28.12.2015, 06:56
Re: A question about Coding - by SickAttack - 28.12.2015, 06:59
Re: A question about Coding - by Magnezia - 28.12.2015, 07:00
Re: A question about Coding - by SickAttack - 28.12.2015, 07:04
Re: A question about Coding - by Magnezia - 28.12.2015, 07:08
Re: A question about Coding - by Krest - 28.12.2015, 08:08
Re: A question about Coding - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 28.12.2015, 11:29
Re: A question about Coding - by DJ_Dany - 28.12.2015, 18:00

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