26.12.2015, 17:51
I noticed a bug, when you try to use a skin whit an id greater that 299 you got the following ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 300
Furthermore, how can I use returns? I want to prevent a player from spawning, but I have no idea how can I set a return 0 on Code:
eventManager.registerHandler(PlayerRequestSpawnEvent.class, (e) -> { |
eventManager.registerHandler(PlayerRequestSpawnEvent.class, (e) -> { e.disallow(); });
About skins, I tested adding classes(Server.get().addPlayerClass) and it worked for me. How are you using them? Have you updated shoebill files?
@Su37Erich, about ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, are you sure you are using the last version of shoebill plugin? Because I dont have any problems with skins. Show us a code where you are setting a skin for a player.
New issue: It's about PlayerAttach. After player edits an attached object, the Offset, Rotation and Scale of that object remain the same (the values are equals to which were set by method set(...) of PlayerAttachSlot class). Code example: PHP Code:
If it's not an issue, then I would like to know a way how to get coordinates of a new position. |