Which games have SA-MP players switched to?

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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You guys do realize that SA-MP is a modification for GTA:SA and not a game, right? Because it doesn't look like ya'll do.
So? I like playing ACE mod for ArmA Armed Assault and I barely play ArmA without it. Same goes for SA-MP, everyone died out playing GTA SA but they still play it because of SAMP.

What's the point of your post?

Messages In This Thread
Which games have SA-MP players switched to? - by marijan95 - 26.11.2015, 07:59
Re: Which games have SA-MP players switched to? - by TheSnaKe - 26.11.2015, 08:30
Re: Which games have SA-MP players switched to? - by Sew_Sumi - 26.11.2015, 08:31
Re: Which games have SA-MP players switched to? - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 26.11.2015, 08:38
Re: Which games have SA-MP players switched to? - by [Twixx] - 26.11.2015, 08:51
Re: Which games have SA-MP players switched to? - by XBrianX - 26.11.2015, 10:59
Re: Which games have SA-MP players switched to? - by Konverse - 26.11.2015, 11:29
Re: Which games have SA-MP players switched to? - by Twizted - 26.11.2015, 12:50
Re: Which games have SA-MP players switched to? - by Sew_Sumi - 26.11.2015, 13:12
Re: Which games have SA-MP players switched to? - by Ghazal - 26.11.2015, 13:30
Re: Which games have SA-MP players switched to? - by SoFahim - 26.11.2015, 14:32
Re: Which games have SA-MP players switched to? - by Ritzy2K - 26.11.2015, 14:35
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