Moving Camera on Request Class

Hey there,

I've recently used Drebin's Camera Editor filterscript to generate a camera movement so I can implement into my script.

The output was as follows:

InterpolateCameraPos(playerid, 1542.339843, -1676.244384, 30.847208, 1421.688476, -1647.271606, 38.576740, 2000);
InterpolateCameraLookAt(playerid, 1547.319580, -1676.068481, 30.433620, 1418.010864, -1643.885131, 38.490806, 2000);
How can I install that into my script so that the camera only starts moving when you go onto a different class? Because at the moment it moves as soon as you go onto OnPlayerRequestClass and as soon as you press the side arrows...

Adding it into the following:

switch ( classid )
	case 0 .. 6 :

	case 7 .. 8 :

Can you please help?



Messages In This Thread
Moving Camera on Request Class - by FunnyBear - 21.12.2015, 16:09
Re: Moving Camera on Request Class - by Ritzy2K - 21.12.2015, 17:15
Re: Moving Camera on Request Class - by FunnyBear - 21.12.2015, 17:23
Re: Moving Camera on Request Class - by Ritzy2K - 21.12.2015, 17:31
Re: Moving Camera on Request Class - by FunnyBear - 21.12.2015, 17:38
Re: Moving Camera on Request Class - by FunnyBear - 21.12.2015, 18:56
Re: Moving Camera on Request Class - by FunnyBear - 22.12.2015, 12:06

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