Field 'Ammo1' doesn't have a default value (index 0). Query:

Explanation of the error: A value is missing when a new row to be inserted does not contain a value for a non-NULL column that has no explicit DEFAULT clause in its definition.
So, the field Ammo1 is set to not NULL, and you need to insert a value.

You can one of three things:
-Set a default value for that field in your DBMS (empty string ("") or 0)
-Change the field to allow NULL
-Set the sql-mode in my.ini to NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION (but it's better to choose one of the above)

Messages In This Thread
Field 'Ammo1' doesn't have a default value (index 0). Query: - by Bumie - 20.12.2015, 07:31
Re: Field 'Ammo1' doesn't have a default value (index 0). Query: - by Antonio144 - 20.12.2015, 11:11

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