Originally Posted by Threshold
Do you guys even know how format works? You should avoid it if it's unnecessary... especially in an extremely obvious case like this...
pawn Код:
new szString[700]; strcat(szString, "/rules /faq /(net)stats /inventory /quickstats /myguns /buylevel /upgrade /changepass /killcheckpoint /resetupgrades(100k)"); strcat(szString, "\n/w(hisper) /o(oc) /s(hout) /l(ow) /b /ad(vertisement)s /f(amily) /me /togooc /tognews /togfam /togwhisper /do /cancelcall"); strcat(szString, "\n/balance /withdraw /deposit /wiretransfer /abalance /awithdraw /adeposit /awiretransfer"); strcat(szString, "\n/pay /writecheck /cashchecks /charity /time /buy /(check)id /music /showlicenses /clothes /mywarrants"); strcat(szString, "\n/apply /skill /stopani /kill /buyclothes /droplicense /calculate /refuel /car /seatbelt /checkbelt, /defendtime"); strcat(szString, "\n/cancel /accept /eject /usepot /usecrack /contract /service /families /joinevent /checkplant /nextpaycheck, /nextgift, /pointtime"); strcat(szString, "\n/speedo /speedopos /viewmotd"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_HELP, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Basic commands", szString, "Ok", "");
Read the goddamn wiki before posting shit like this...
You should have said what to use in replacement and not just yell out that it's wrong..
To OP, use strcat, it does just as you want.